





付款方式:工厂直签:30/70 TT; 国内接货:国内信用证、保函






Chicken Paws 35+ (GRADE A) 

Chicken Feet 40+ (GRADE A) 

Packing: 20 KG per carton / 4 x 5 KG bags per carton

A级凤爪 35+ 

A级鸡脚  40+  


• 100% Fresh and frozen, well dressed, washed and cleaned 

• Safe for human consumption 

• No Outer Nails 

• No Grey Paws 

• No salmonella 

• No Bird Flu 

• No radiation 

• Odorless 

• Smooth incision of leg bone 

• No explosion of leg tendon 

• No Yellow Skin 

• No Black Spots 

• No Chemical Burns (ammonia bums) 


• No bad smells no rip off skin, 

• No excessive blood or blood stains 

• Broken bones or Bruises less than 3% 

• Moisture content less than 3% 

• Shelf life 24 Months 

• Piece Length: 8 cm-12 cm per piece 

• All Cartoons and Plastic Bags must show EST-160 Number 

• No Feathers 

• No Blood 

• No Bruise 

• Broken Bones Less Than 1 % 

• content less than 0.5%

• Frozen Requirement: Blast Frozen At -40°C Stocked At -l8°C



• 30% Advance

• 70% Document against Payment

1) Buyer will send LOI/ICPO with full banking details and soft probe authorization.

2) Seller will send SPA to buyer

3) Buyer signs, stamps and return SPA

4) Seller will issue the proforma invoice

5) Buyer will send 30% advance payment

6) Seller bank verifies and confirm the payment

7) Shipment will be done as mentioned in SPA

8) Seller will send the documents (Mentioned in Article 08) to buyer’s bank for the rest of 70% payment.


– 30%预付款

– 70%付款文件

1) 买方将发送LOI/ICPO以及完整的银行资料和软调查授权。

2) 卖方将向买方发送SPA

3) 买方签署、盖章并返回SPA

4) 卖方将发出形式发票

5) 买方将发送30%的预付款

6) 卖方银行核实并确认付款

7) 发货将按照SPA中提到的方式进行

8) 卖方将向买方银行发送文件(在第08条中提及),以支付剩余的70%的款项


1. Seller’s commercial invoice in triplicate (1 original and 4 triplicates) based on Certificate of Weight Quality and Quantity at loading port issued by CCIC Thailand  Ltd.

2. Seller’s packing list in triplicate (1 original and 3 copy).

3. Original Shipped on broad bill of lading and 3 non-negotiable triplicates consigned to seller’s bank and marked “freight PREPAID” which showing notify party the buyer, showing total net weight of the shipment.

4. 110% insurance of invoice value.

5. Detailed packing list issued by the beneficiary in originals.

6. Certificate of origin issued by chamber of commerce of trade and industry, certifying the origin of the goods are from Thailand.

7. Phytosanitary Certificate / CCIC Report authorized by AQSIQ at Sellers Cost

8. Health Certificate.

9. Batch List

I0.Dioxin Free Certificate

1. 卖方的商业发票一式三份(1份正本和4份副本),基于CCIC泰国有限公司签发的装货港重量质量和数量证书。

2.  卖方的装箱单一式三份(1份正本和3份副本)。

3. 在宽幅提单上装运的正本和3份不可转让的三联件,托付给卖方银行并标明 “运费预付”,显示通知买方,显示货物的总净重。

4. 发票价值的110%的保险。

5. 受益人出具的详细包装清单的原件。

6. 由工商会出具的原产地证明,证明货物的原产地来自泰国。

7. 由国家质量监督检验检疫总局授权的植物检疫证书/CCIC报告,卖家承担费用。

8. 健康证书。

9. 批量清单。



1. Port of Loading: Any Seaport of Thailand 

2 . Port of Destination:  ASWP of China

3. Delivery time: Within 45 days of signing the contract

4. The delivey time should not exceed 45 days of receiving the advance (30% of PI value) payment. This deadline can be changed by mutually if there any emergency lockdown in both countries

1. 装货港: 泰国任何海港 

2 . 目的港: 中国主要港口

3. 交货时间: 签订合同后45天内

4. 交付时间不应超过收到预付款(形式发票金额30%)后的45天。如果两国出现紧急封锁,交货期限可由双方协商一致后调整。


1. Seller will provide Inspection Certificate of CCIC

2. Seller and buyer mutually agree that SGS or international agency shall be appointed at loading and/or discharge ports, to assess the quality and quantity of the cargo according to the provisions herein stated.

3. Seller will pay CCIC inspection cost at loading port

4. Buyer will pay CCIC inspection cost at destination port


1. 卖方将提供CCIC的检验证书

2. 卖方和买方同意在装货和/或卸货港指定SGS或国际机构根据本协议规定评估货物的质量和数量。

3. 卖方将支付CCIC在装货港的检验费用。

4. 买方将支付CCIC在目的港的检验费用。



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