a Commercial invoice issued by the SELLER indicating the contract number, description of the goods, gross/net weights of the goods in 3 (three) originals and 3 (three) original copies.
b Certificate of Origin issued by Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the country of export in 1 (one) original and 3 (three) original copies.
c Certificate of Quantity issued by SGS, showing a net weight in metric tons in 1 original and 1 copy.
d Certificate of Quality issued by SGS, showing full elements report, in 1 (one) original and 1 (one) copy full set.
e Packing List in 1 (one) original and 3 (three) original copies, indicting contract number, seal number, container number, net gross weight and sea lesson number.
f Bill of Lading Complete set of 3 (three) original and 3 (three) copies.
g Insurance Certificate for 110% cargo value, having the Buyer as the beneficiary.
h Certificate of Ownership Change in (one) original and 3 (three) original copies.
i Health Certificate in 1 (one) original and 2 (two) copies.
j Non-wood packing declaration in 1 (one) original 1 (one) copy.
k Certificate of registration for export China.
1 A Covid-19 test report issued by SGS The result must negative.
m Certificate for export under-price undertaking with MAFCOM by BRF
n Veterinary Inspection certificate in English and Chinese version in 1 (one) original and 4 (four) copies.
o Halal certificate in 1 (one) original. 1(one) copy.